1kg mixed berries (blackberries, currant, raspberries, blueberries, hulled and halved strawberries)
1kg jam sugar
1 lemon, zest and juice
Start by sterilising your jars. If you have a Miele Steam Oven, you can do this by placing the jars and the lids upside down on a perforated steam container and sterilising at 100°C for 15 minutes.
In the meantime, place the fruit, lemon zest and juice and a third of the sugar in a large saucepan. Use a hand blender to pulse a few times to incorporate everything. Add the remaining sugar and pulse a few more times to break down the fruit a little further.
Add the vanilla seeds and pod, give it a stir with a spatula and bring to the boil over a medium high heat.
When the mixture reaches boiling point, cook it for a further five minutes and then remove from the heat. Take a little bit of the jam and drop it onto a chilled plate. If it wrinkles when you pass your finger through it, it’s ready. Otherwise, cook it for a further 2 minutes and check the consistency again. Allow to cool for a few minutes before ladling into the sterilised jars and sealing.
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